Friday, September 14, 2007

So long summer

The hot steamy days that are spent jammed on a packed bus are thankfully ending. For one month of the year Istanbul transforms into one big outdoor Hamam (a traditional Turkish bath). Only there are no big bold women bending you over on the street to give you a serious scrub down and massage. The intense humidity only creates a lovely grease slicked skin mirror effect, where you may find a lovely lass touching up her lipstick in your forid reflection. Generally, these are the days when you best leave your vanity card at home and just roll with it.

The one thing i will miss about Istanbul's August is those long and lovely summer nights. Sitting outside till the wee hours, chugging down beer or sipping on a Gin and Tonic and watching the hustle and bustle of this wild and wonderful place. Either on a roof top terrace listening to the crowds below, feeling the rhythm either from the street or the darbuka (a small drum you'r spirit is ignited and the urge to move your hips in line with the beat is unavoidable.

Now, with cooler days and almost cold nights our little worried winter hearts mourn. Although we embrace the cold change, we know a six month spell of dark days and rainy rows are closer than we'd like. Nevertheless, nights of cooking and snuggling are not to be feared, as we know that every soul needs a hibernation period of some sort, particularly in this city.

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Light me up

Light me up
A small example of the color the Grand Bazar displays, in more ways than one.

Sunset on the Bosphorus

Sunset on the Bosphorus
Sipping a warm class of tea, waiting for the ferry to take me to a wedding where the lights center the Bosphorus