Monday, January 22, 2007

Me? A nanny?

Yes, i have taken two little boys under my wing to show them the way. My purpose isn't to wipe buıms and spoon feed pureed apple. Its to teach, ill give it a bit more credit. I am solely an English 'play' teacher. There are 5 maids to do the bum wiping and spoon feeding and there is a mum and a grandma to do all the gooing and gaaing. I'm the role model, the base, the rock or perhaps more the soul, if you will.

Not my job of choice i must admit, but i can understand why it could be someone else's. Especially under these conditions. With a house the size of flinders st station and endless comforts without having to lift a figure and not to mention the more than decent wage, one could be very content. And i am, as this is only a short term stint. I am living in full time, which translates to, if you hear us call then you come running. I have a 3yr old munchkin with eyes like giant marbles and a 7 year old who is trying to find his Independence without letting go of the glorious dependence he has served to him on a silver platter. I have spent the last four days locked in a mansion with no outside access beside my humble morning run. The mornings are spent convincing the little one to start the day and i spend my nights easing their sugar filled bodies with some light conversation over a puzzle or two.

Despite dealing with a touch of night time loneliness in my nanny den and the eruption of daily tantrums with tears of gold, I'm rather content to be a key part of these boys lives. Although, the 3yr old i think has dramatically matured in the last few days. He has taken a liking to whats underneath my clothes rather than the bob the builder set he was so content with last week.... hmmmm, natural?. The little bugger already has back hair for crying out loud, but hey, Turks are known for a little extra body hair.

Iv been getting the Turkish cranking with daily discussions ranging from 'why i don't pray' to 'how much could i get to be a cleaner in Australia?'. Some days i am stoned with Turkish and i just spit out some embarrassing sounds coupled with ridged movements. Other days I ramble on as if I'm Oprah on speed only to see an expression of confusion from the patient maid in front of me. So there you go, i get a bit more bang for my buck- the job has a Turkish course thrown in.

So in a conservative kingdom where praying 5 times a day is a must and spiritual music drifting through the house is a source of air, where does a not so small town Aussie girl fit in? Well she fits just about anywhere apparently, with room for about 700 gypsy families in this fortress, she finds a way to fit.

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Light me up

Light me up
A small example of the color the Grand Bazar displays, in more ways than one.

Sunset on the Bosphorus

Sunset on the Bosphorus
Sipping a warm class of tea, waiting for the ferry to take me to a wedding where the lights center the Bosphorus